Research Network
Forum for Health Policy cooperates closely with a number of researchers in various disciplines in order to stimulate science-based knowledge formation and dialogue in health policy. The network is a cornerstone in Forum’s mission to strengthen the interaction between decision makers and researchers.
Following researchers are part of the network

Anders Anell
Management/Organisation, Lunds Universitet
Economist and professor of health care organization and financial management at Lund University. Anell has previously served as Head of the Department of Health Sciences in Lund, IHE, and has been chairman of the Board of Health and Care Services. Anders has published books, articles and reports that deal with different topics related to healthcare organization and governance such as incentive structures, resource allocation, alternative payment methods, performance measurement, cost effectiveness criteria, etc.
Nasim Farrokhnia
chief physician and chief operating officer (COO) at Mindler
Chief physician, researcher and lecturer attached to KI’s Department of Clinical Research and Education at Södersjukhuset (KI SÖS), where she was head of operations at the emergency care. Nasim has also worked with evidence-based medicine at SBU and had government assignments in the Swedish Research Council. Today, Nasim is chief physician and chief operating officer (COO) at Nasim has an eHealth background as quality and research manager at Kry. She is also chairman of the eHealth Medical Association, which is an interest association within the Swedish Medical Association – and co-founder of the Swedish research network for digital care services

Birger Forsberg,
International Health/ Public Health / Social Medicine,
Karolinska Institutet / Stockholms Läns Landsting
Specialist in Social Medicine and Associate Professor in International Health. Forsberg is head of the Health Development Unit at the Health Administration in Stockholm. The unit is responsible for the county council’s public health strategic work and international work, including relations with the European Commission. Forsberg has worked with international health through SIDA, WHO and the World Bank. His research concerns system aspects of control of infectious diseases and interaction between the private and public sectors.
Henrik Jordahl,
Public and private production of tax-financed services, Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN)
Professor of Economics at Örebro University and Program Director at the Reserach Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN). Jordahl´s main area of research consists of markets, management and productivity in tax-financed services. He is affiliated with Uppsala Center for Fiscal Studies at Uppsala University and with the international research networks CESifo and IZA.

Joakim Ramsberg,
Fil. Doctor of Economics, is a Health Economist and works at the The Swedish Agency for Health and Care Services Analysis
Joakim is also an affiliated researcher at the Karolinska Institutet. Joakim has previously been principal secretary in the Medicines Investigation and Harkness Fellow at Harvard medical school. His research and work cover broad fields within both health policy and social services. Particular focus is on issues related to governance and business development, and in particular state governance in areas where regions and municipalities are principals. Other strong interests are evidencebased decisionmaking as well as educational health care.
Clas Rehnberg,
Health Economics, Karolinska Institutet
Professor in health economics at the Medical Management Centre, Karolinska Institutet. His research includes analysis of health care reforms and comparative studies of healthcare systems in the Nordic region and in Europe. He has had several expert assignments for ministries, government and county councils and has participated in several international missions for the World Bank, WHO and SIDA. He was active as guest researcher at the University of Cape Town in 2000-2003. In recent years, his research has focused on the welfare reforms in Sweden.

Richard B. Saltman,
Health Policy och management, Emory University, Atlanta, USA
Professor of Health Policy and Management at the Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta, USA. In his research Saltman looks at structures in the European healthcare systems, with particular focus on the Nordic countries. He has published 14 books and over 100 articles in a variety of health policy issues. Saltman was in charge of the Forum for Health Policy together with Johan Calltorp and Thorbjörn Larsson between 2011-2015.
Vivian Vimarlund,
Ehealth/Informatics, Linköpings Universitet
Professor of Computer Science at Jönköping University and Head of CenITIS Center for Information and Information Systems at Jönköping International Business School. Vimarlund has since 1989 researched in the field of informatics with special focus on issues related to methods and models to evaluate the impact of implementation and use of IT-based innovations in health care.

Ulrika Winblad,
Social Medicine, Uppsala Universitet
Associate Professor in Social Research and Head of Research Group in Health Care Research at the Institute for Public Health and Health Sciences. Winblad´s research focuses on issues related to the management and organization of healthcare and elderly care, with particular focus on the market reforms introduced in Sweden during the last two decades. In several of the research projects, the effects of privatization and choice reforms are investigated, for example in terms of quality and patient status. Two of the research projects in Winblad´s research group are conducted in collaboration with the Forum for Health Policy.
Monica Winge,
Ehealth/Informatics, Stockholms Universitet
Affiliated researcher at the Department of Computer Science and Systems Science (DSV) at Stockholm University, where she defended the dissertation “Collaboration and Coordination Challenges in Patient-Centered Care”. Winge is a nurse with 20 years of experience from surgery, primary care, elderly care and palliative care. She has been working with IT strategy at Karolinska University hospital and within the Stockholm County Council. Winge has conducted research projects in eHealth and national projects such as the National Information Structure (NI) and has also served as an expert in ministerial delegations with assignments in Sweden, EU (ECDC), USA (USAID), China, India and Africa.

Ewa Wikström,
Professor Health Governance, University of Gothenburg
Ewa Wikström, Professor in Health Governance. Her research focuses on governance, leadership, collaboration, teams, communication, projects and change management in health care as well as the public and private sectors. She has also conducted studies on organisational capability with a focus on age, competence and work environment in workplaces in both the public and private sectors.
Selected publications by the researchers:
Saltman B. Richard (2018) The impact of slow economic growth on health sector reform: a cross-national perspective, Cambridge University Press
Hägglund Maria, Scandurra Isabella (2017) A Socio-Technical Analysis of Patient Accessible Electronic Health Records
Angelis, Jannis, Anna Häger Glenngård and Henrik Jordahl (2017). “Management practices and the quality of primary care“. IFN Working Paper 1174.
Winge M., Johannesson P., Perjons E., Wangler B. (2015) The coordination hub: Toward patient-centered and collaborative care processes. Health Informatics J. 2015 Dec;21(4):284-305.