Den 7 mars arrangerade Forum för Health Policy, i samarbete med Nederländernas och Schweiz ambassader och handelskammare, ett seminarium med titeln ”Successes and barriers for innovation in healthcare – what can we learn from three different healthcare systems?”. Sverige, Nederländerna och Schweiz toppar internationella jämförelser vad gäller innovation och innovationsklimat i samhället i stort, men hur står det till med innovation i hälso- och sjukvården och vad kan vi lära av varandra? Med utgångspunkt i olika perspektiv, reflekterade kunniga talare från de tre länderna kring detta.

Tid: Onsdag 7 mars september 2018 kl. 13.30–18.00
Plats: Nederländska ambassaden, Götgatan 16a, Stockholm

Läs vår policy brief från seminariet, innehållandes sju rekommendationer för att öka innovationstaken i hälso- och sjukvård och omsorg:

Framsida Innovationsbrief 2018

Program (seminariet hölls på engelska)
Klicka på länkarna för att komma till talarnas presentationer.

13.30-13.45 Welcome
Ines Coppoolse, Ambassador of the Netherlands
Christian Schoenenberger Ambassador of Switzerland
Peter Graf, Chairman of Forum for Health Policy
Moderator: Emma Frans, PhD Medical Epidemiology, Author, Columnist
Filmed introduction Ines Coppoolse
Filmed introduction Christian Schoenenberger and Peter Graf


13.45-14.05 The Future of Healthcare
Björn Arvidsson, Head of Policy and Communications, Roche AB
Presentation, PDF
Presentation, Film


14.05-14.20 Involve the patients in innovation
Eskil Degsell, Chairman of the Swedish Brain Tumor Association
Presentation, PDF
Presentation, Film


14.20-15.05 Innovation in health care from an organisational perspective – barriers and successes
Sweden: Robert Winroth, Commissioner for Innovation and Sustainable Healthcare, County Administrative Board of Västerbotten
Presentation, PDF
Presentation, Film

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The Netherlands: Maaike Wijnhoud, Senior policy officer at the Ministry of Health and Core faculty of the Health Innovation School
Presentation, PDF
Presentation, Film

Maaike Wijnoud.01
Switzerland: Prof. Antoine Geissbühler, Director Telemedicine and Cyberhealth, Director innovation center, Geneva University Hospitals
Presentation, PDF
Presentation, Film


15.05-15.25 Coffee break and networking

15.25-16.10 Innovation in health care from an entrepreneurial perspective – barriers and successes
Sweden: Tomas Mora Morrison, Head of Business Innovation, Cambio Healthcare Systems
Presentation, PDF
Presentation, Film

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The Netherlands: Laurens Leurink, CEO MinDoktor
Presentation, PDF
Presentation, Film

Switzerland: Peter Ruff, CEO Exploris SA
Presentation, PDF


16.10-16.55 Panel Debate: What can we learn? How do we speed up innovation?
Filmed panel debate
Jenni Nordborg, Director Vinnova
Anders Blanck, Administrative director Lif
Maaike Wijnhoud, Ministry of Health, the Netherlands
Antoine Geissbühler, Geneva University Hospitals
Laurens Leurink, Mindoktor
Peter Ruff, Exploris
Reflections and questions from the audience.


16.55-17.00 Conclusions/Health Policy aspects on innovation
Catharina Barkman, Project Director, Forum for Health Policy

17.00-17.15 Final word
Ines Coppoolse, Ambassador of the Netherlands

17.15-18.00 Reception


Skärmavbild 2018-02-03 kl. 12.47.49