Increasing demand for personalized healthcare experiences 

Increasing demand for personalized healthcare experiences 

Kaveh Safavi is the lawyer who changed his path to become a general practitioner and pediatrician. He has spent many years trying to bridge the gap between people and technology, providing novel solutions to old problems. Kaveh has worked in more than twenty-five...
The teamwork around patients awarded Patient’s prize

The teamwork around patients awarded Patient’s prize

Each year, the Forum for Health Policy awards a prize where patients themselves nominate their healthcare providers. This year, the prize went to the Asthma/COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) team at Capio Orust Proximity care centre for their work with...
The corona crisis: a pressure cooker for integrated care

The corona crisis: a pressure cooker for integrated care

Henk Nies,  Vilans, Centre for Long-term Care in the Netherlands, Vrije Universiteit och Axel Kaehne, Edge Hill University, United Kingdom beskriver i veckans blogg hur vi nu, efter ett år av pandemi, genom utvärdering och eftertanke kan skapa bättre förutsättningar...
Funding must support research AND participation

Funding must support research AND participation

Hur kan jag leva ett aktivt liv när jag blir äldre och behålla mitt självbestämmande så länge som möjligt? Genom forskning  med starkt användarinflytande har man vid Lucerne University iHomeLab tagit fram lösningar som skapar möjligheter för äldre personer att leva...